Rush Delivery Service Add-On


Need it yesterday?

Sometimes you want to make sure your project is going to be on the quicker side or faster than the standard turnaround. To make sure we meet those needs, you can expedite your project to the top of our schedule. We’ll make sure we get you a mix to approve or bring to revisions within 48 hours of your purchase.

Rules & Restrictions For Rush Services

  • Our money-back guarantee for first-time buyers does not cover Rush Delivery. The purchase may only be refunded if we take longer than 48 hours to get you a mix.
  • Rush Delivery only guarantees the first mix being completed within 48 hours. The mix may be perfect, but you also might want revisions after. We do not guarantee a final product within 48 hours because there is no way for us to predict adjustments you may need.
  • Contact us to make sure we can accommodate your rush purchase with our current work load.
  • Only on a ‘per-song’ basis. So if you order rush delivery for a package, each song will take up to 48-hours. So a 3 song package will take up to 6 days for 3 mixes.

Visit our Frequently Asked Questions for more information.